The Boulé Scholars Program is a comprehensive effort that embraces the power of expectations and recognition to encourage students to realize that if they apply themselves they can achieve excellence. The hope is that this program will touch more students than just those in our program. Our goal is to engage students, cultivate their interests, ensure that their reading skills are at least at grade level and celebrate their success with appropriately scaled awards and scholarships.[/vc_column_text][mk_image src=”http://sfbetaupsilon.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/bsp.jpg” image_width=”800″ image_height=”350″ crop=”false” svg=”false” lightbox=”false” group=”_general” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”10″][mk_custom_list icon_color=”#3e85b7″ margin_bottom=”30″ align=”none”]
The objectives of the Boulé Scholars Program are threefold:
- To inspire Black boys and young men to enjoy education, to realize that they can excel academically,
- To raise their educational performance expectations and
- To heighten their ambitions.
The goal of the scholars program is to promote, encourage and recognize academic achievement and a commitment to academic excellence among Black males. That goal is best achieved through personal engagement with youth through mentorship, counseling, progress reinforcement and other measures that cultivate personal development, self‐confidence, good character and the joy and satisfaction of acquiring knowledge.
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